I'm Still Pro-Choice

A few years ago I wrote this post, detailing why I no longer associate myself with the moniker “pro-life.” It has become clear since that point just how utterly depraved, anti-Christian, and anti-human the pro-life movement is, even more so than we thought then. I won’t be going into nearly as much detail this time, since I’ve already covered the basics. Suffice to say this: the pro-life movement is a scam from top to bottom. Everyone involved is either a grifter only interested in subjugating and torturing women, or a complete sucker who can’t count to ten with mittens on.

Why do I believe this? First, let me tell you about the Resurrection.

Lethal Facts

While I believe in the Resurrection, I’m not going to pretend you do. All we need to agree upon here is that it is a claim of the Christian religion, and it is central to the religion. The Resurrection is the claim that Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead. That’s it. Christians not only believe this, we point to it as the singular most important fact of our faith.

Many people have tried to discredit Christianity by other means. Some will point to the severe immorality of American churches. Fair - the church is a very good reason to stay away from our religion. But that doesn’t prove it is false. Others will formulate philosophical questions like “if God is good, how can evil exist?” Congratulations on the stumper. Still doesn’t show one way or another. Not that these aren’t great points for debate, but ultimately if the Resurrection is true, it doesn’t matter what your philosophical misgivings are. If it’s true, then Christianity is true and the world will be saved. If the Resurrection isn’t true, then Christianity is false and there is still no hope for humanity. That’s the central argument for the Christian faith.

And if you were a Roman in Judea two thousand years ago, and you wanted to immediately put down this new faith that could cause more unrest in your provinces, then there was one thing you could do that would end it immediately: pull out the body of the deceased Jesus. Just, you know, dig him up (after all, you just killed him and a prominent Jew offered his tomb for the body so you know where he is), then prop him up on a cart and parade him through Jerusalem. RIP Christianity, AD 33-33.

This isn’t to say some people would not have become Christians anyway. After all, Christianity is now a religion with incredible political and social power, making it attractive for evil men to use. But proving the Resurrection false immediately would have cut off any chance for a legitimate Christian to ever exist. It would be a lethal fact: a fact whose existence falsifies any attempt to argue against it. If there is no Resurrection - if the body of the dead Jesus is right in front of you - then it does not matter what holy arguments you bring in favor of your religion. Who cares if your religion commands you to feed the poor? Who cares if your religion provides income for the state? Who cares if your religion helped you stop masturbating? You can do all those things without it. You should do all those things without it. It’s wrong. Anyone who believes in that religion is either too stupid or ignorant to know that fact or is in on the lie.

Why do I bring up the Resurrection here? Well, I bring it up becasue the pro-life movement believes, just as I do, that it is true. The pro-life movement is permanently wedded to white supremacy, which culturally appropriates Christianity, which believes in the Resurrection. Therefore, pro-lifers do not deny the Resurrection. So the pro-lifers would surely understand, more than many, that if Jesus’ body were still dead, it would be a lethal fact, destroying their religion in one picosecond.

So, if we were to find some other belief held by the pro-life movement and then find a similarly lethal fact, we could demonstrate that the movement is completely disqualified. In that case, any pro-lifer would be shown to be a fool or a demon. Is there such a lethal fact for the pro-life movement?

Of course there is. There are several, actually, but one of them happened recently - in between the time I first wrote about this and now.


I grew up in the evangelical death cult. I know what they believe because I know what they told me to believe. Personally, I don’t believe I need to source anything since what I’m about to tell is you well-known by anyone with any familiarity with the pro-life movement. But I’ll link something anyway because you absolutely know pro-lifers are going to pretend they never believed this once they get caught with their pants down.

Anyway, the pro-life movement has always believed that embryonic stem cell research is morally wrong. Here’s one such example of exactly the thing I was taught. This is not a fringe believe in the pro-life movement. It was, and still is, vital. I link this because if any pro-lifer wants to pretend embryonic stem cell research is compatible with their movement, this is proof that’s a lie.

Now, you probably noticed that this section is titled “Regeneron.” Regeneron created an experimental treatment for COVID. You may be telling yourself right now, “wait a minute, Regeneron does not use embryonic stem cells in that treatment. You’re right. They don’t use embryonic cells. They use fetal cells.

So why do pro-lifers oppose embryonic stem cell research? Well, those stem cells have to come from aborted babies, and Abortion is Bad, according to them. To do that research, you have to kill a “““““child”””””, or at least profit from the deaths of children you did not personally kill. (That’s bad.) So in order to be pro-life, you have to oppose the use of such stem cell research, even if it may help people down the line, because it is immoral to kill people in the name of helping others. Right? Are you with me here? Even if you don’t personally kill the child (really a fetus, but let’s pretend pro-lifers aren’t lying for a second here), you cannot profit off their deaths. That makes you culpable.

Even though this Regeneron treatment doesn’t use that specific type of embryonic stem cell, it still uses fetal cells. In pro-life logic, this means babies had to die. In other words, if you use Regeneron’s treatment for COVID, you are profiting off the deaths of aborted babies. Don’t bother citing to me all the tangled laws that make this “legal” for pro-lifers. It’s still morally wrong in their twisted minds.

Now think for a second on the last few years. Was there anyone who used this experimental treatment for COVID? Someone famous? Someone prominent? Someone who, perhaps, led the political party which helmed the pro-life movement, and whose use could potentially undermine their legitimacy?

Of course there is.


But wait, that’s just one man. Surely one man being a hypocrite doesn’t mean the whole movement is wr-


Let’s say you are the head pastor of a church of 5000 people. Your church teaches love and acceptance. One day a crazy guy comes in and wants to be a member, and he believes in hate and bigotry. Obviously, his presence in your church does not invalidate your mission, and if you are a healthy church you will not allow him to have any influence there.

Now let’s say you are a layman who wants to join a church of 5000 people. While the church preaches love and acceptance, the pastor cheats on his wife, beats his kids, and says all gays are going to hell. The other 5000 people support him. In this case, your sincere devotion to God does not validate the church at all, because the leader of the movement is corrupt and his followers enjoy his corruption.

If the pro-life movement were serious about their beliefs, then the instant Trump took this Regeneron treatment, they would have abandoned him for a better representative of their movement. After all, he just profited off the murder of countless babies. Quick, find me all the op-eds and articles from powerful and influential pro-lifers denouncing Trump after getting his COVID treatment!

Wait, there are none? Surely if the pro-life movement were legitimately about saving the lives of the unborn, the leaders of that movement would have condemned this. But they don’t. And that is the lethal fact: the pro-life movement is not, has never been, and always will not be, about saving the lives of the unborn.

This is just one lethal fact. There are others - such as the fact that the movement began under dubious circumstances, invalidating it from its (heh) conception. So if you want to come at me with lame excuses and justifications for the Regeneron treatment, I can just come back at you with another fact. For brevity’s sake I’ll stop here, but you can read my other page where I list those facts.

What about the “““““sincere””””” pro-lifers

To close, I want to reiterate that all pro-lifers are bad.

Yes, even the sincere ones who genuinely want to reduce abortion only because they sincerely believe it’s a human child in there and not a clump of fetal cells.

If the movement is corrupt, your participation in that movement is similarly corrupt. You cannot be “one of the good ones.” It’s like trying to change the Taliban from the inside. You’re not going to do it. Your only hope at presenting a true, unsullied, moral pro-life vision is to cut ties with the movement immediately. If you don’t do that, then you either agree with the corruption or you are an incredibly stupid person. End of story.

The pro-life movement is not about saving babies at all. They are aware that their draconian anti-abortion laws will only increase the amount of abortions performed and ensure those abortions are unsafe for the women involved. They are aware that their draconian anti-abortion laws benefit philanderous men and harm virtuous women. They know. They do not care. Why would you align yourselves with those people? Do you also love to subjugate women? Or are you unaware how your beliefs are responsible for other people subjugating women?

This is why I believe there are no sincere pro-lifers. Maybe in the past that was possible, before all the lethal facts came out. But now in the light of the truth, it is impossible to sincerely believe in this falsehood. Either you abandon the pro-life movement and support women’s rights, or you support the white supremacist origins and intentions of the pro-life movement. There is no middle ground.