The Logic of the Pro-Life Movement

A couple of days ago, someone leaked a draft from the Supreme Court of the United States suggesting that they were going to overturn Roe v. Wade. Pro-lifers online naturally felt the need to do a victory lap. Pro-choice women expressed shock and horror, worrying about their safety and their lives. No pro-lifers thought “hmm, it seems that my political will makes people afraid, perhaps I should re-evaluate whether I’m on the right side of this issue.” Not even for a picosecond.

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I'm Still Pro-Choice

A few years ago I wrote this post, detailing why I no longer associate myself with the moniker “pro-life.” It has become clear since that point just how utterly depraved, anti-Christian, and anti-human the pro-life movement is, even more so than we thought then. I won’t be going into nearly as much detail this time, since I’ve already covered the basics. Suffice to say this: the pro-life movement is a scam from top to bottom. Everyone involved is either a grifter only interested in subjugating and torturing women, or a complete sucker who can’t count to ten with mittens on.

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Why I'm Now Pro-Choice

I am now pro-choice. The following post is meant to show why I have made up my mind in that area. This is not a scientific journal or anything and I am not looking to prove via a mountain of evidence why you should be pro-choice. I only seek to provide more than enough evidence than was adequate to convince me personally. If you need more evidence, it’s readily available to you. Although, if I may be frank, the type of person who requires encyclopedia-sized books of evidence to believe my position is likely to only require a Ben Shapiro tweet from 2014 to “prove” the pro-life position. If you think the following post is not enough evidence, but you freely believe in the pro-life movement without examining it yourself, your objections to the pro-choice position are irrational.

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