Why I'm Now Pro-Choice

I am now pro-choice. The following post is meant to show why I have made up my mind in that area. This is not a scientific journal or anything and I am not looking to prove via a mountain of evidence why you should be pro-choice. I only seek to provide more than enough evidence than was adequate to convince me personally. If you need more evidence, it’s readily available to you. Although, if I may be frank, the type of person who requires encyclopedia-sized books of evidence to believe my position is likely to only require a Ben Shapiro tweet from 2014 to “prove” the pro-life position. If you think the following post is not enough evidence, but you freely believe in the pro-life movement without examining it yourself, your objections to the pro-choice position are irrational.

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Choose Your Own Adventure, Guns Edition

Let's play a game. It's a choose-your-own-adventure. You play as a normal American - a politically moderate, sensible, middle-class, religious, pleasant heterosexual male. It is the morning after a horrific mass shooting and you just went online to see the news. All over the place you're seeing the godless liberals talking about gun control, and you just have to weigh in.

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